
Unturned hack client
Unturned hack client

unturned hack client

Since all the public hacks available these days use the assembly file to install, this would break pretty much every client out there and effectively stop hacking entirely for at least until hack developers re-write their clients and find a different way in. But now that rocket will install differently, what this means is that you could prevent players from playing multiplayer if they have an Assembly-CSharp.dll in their Unturned folder that doesn't match the current size of the file for stock Unturned. Previously, if you had implemented a filesize check on the assembly, it would of broken all Rocket servers. So, now that Rocket is moving away from that, that means the only thing still modifying the assembly file that I know of is hacked clients. You see, all of the public free Unturned hacks I've seen around ship with modified Assembly-CSharp.dll files. Now, the implications of this might not be immediately obvious to some of you guys, but they are to me. According to fr34kyn01535 in this RocketMod forum post, it is stated that RocketMod will no longer install with a modified Assembly-CSharp.dll after this Friday Unturned update.

Unturned hack client